Reiki Treatments

Reiki can be given in conjuction with orthodox medical treatments and other forms of natural therapy. Today Reiki is well known and is offered in hospitals, respite centers and more.

Distance  Healing

Reiki With Chrissy

Reiki is a gentle, yet powerful form of energy healing. This amazing universal energy is accessed by your practitioner through accessing high vibrational tones/frequencies and is then channeled/transferred deeply into your cellular body, bringing balance to your entire being, your mind, body and soul.

My own experiences treating others with Reiki includes 21 years of practicce with 3 years in a voluntary position with a cancer support center within a major hospital in Perth.

I am blessed to have over these years, been able to help others in their healing journey of chronic pain, back issues, anxiety, depressive or PTSD symptoms, chronic fatigue, quadriplegia, lupus and so much more.

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  • Each appointment is held over a one hour session usually from my home clinic in Little Mountain, Caloundra. Firstly, your visit will begin with a discussion of your needs, focusing on your emotional, physical and spiritual requirements. You will then be asked to rest yourself upon my treatment table fully clothed.

  • The treatment will commence with me identifying unhealthy or blocked energy areas by performing a scanning technique using my hands. (non-instrusively) This brings to my attention areas of the body that will require more attention during your healing. Once identified, I will commence the healing by placing my hands in a series of positions from your head to toes as needed (all non-intrusively).

  • In each position my focus is to clear any energy blocks within the body and the auric fields,, restore balance to the area, bring the body back into physical alignment, if needed, plus enhance your bodies natural healing ability. Together this will promote a sense of well-being for your mind, body and spirit.


Reiki FAQs

What will I experience during a Reiki Treatment?

As the recipient of this energy channeling/ transfer, you may experience sensations such as tingling, pulsing, warmth, heat or even a cool sensation throughout the body and in particular areas that have been identified as unhealthy. 

This is all to be expected and is normal. As your mind and body begins to relax, this allows deeper healing to begin.


What are the benefits of having a Reiki Treatment?

• No dis-robing, No manipulation

• Increased circulation and blood flow

• Reduces stress and tension

• Boosts your immune system to work at its optimum level

• Balances the mind, lifting your spirits if feeling low, reducing depression, anxiety and PTSD symptoms

• Helps with healing past traumas

• Cleanses the body of toxins and clears energy blocks

• Helps digestive issues and can also improve sleep

• Can compliment orthodox medicines and will work in conjunction with them

• Will reduce or alleviate physical pains

• Reduces complications after surgery, assists with quicker recovery

• Brings balance to the chakra system and auric fields bringing balance to mind, body and spirit

• Is the perfect aid for cancer support, lifting spirits, reducing physical pains etc

• Most importantly reiki can never do harm.

What will I feel like after a Reiki Treatment?

After a treatment, we will discuss how you feel and what you may have experienced during the treatment. You will feel lighter, relaxed, refreshed and rejuvenated.

As we are moving energy within your auric field and your body, it is advisable to keep your fluids up for the next 24 hours. The reasoning behind this is to assist your body to release and flush toxins from your body.

For some clients, emotions can come to the surface, in a final attempt for clearing. It is important to acknowledge this but to release and let go.

To book your personalized treatment contact me today.


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